Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today in class we went into a term called muckraking. Muckraking is a term used to describe when people try to "dig out dirt" on people or companies. Muckraking can sometimes be bias and most of the time it is. From getting fired form your job to not getting the satisfaction guaranteed. Not all Muckraking comes from bias sources. Many people discover their "dirt" through research. In a movie we watched called "Super size Me" the main character found out that McDonald chicken Nuggets are made from not the healthy but crippled, diseased, and old chickens with enlarged breast. They put the chicken through a processor,then form them into their shapes, and ship them while in refrigeration to McDonald's where they are basically reheated. What I just stated was an example of muckraking on McDonald's chicken nuggets.
Super Size Me Movie
Water Gate Scandal Article
-Michael Page

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Inquiry Leson........Final!!

Today in U.s. History class we finished our inquiry lesson. The class read the last primary document and learned of the dangers of working in a coal mine.

In the article we found out that the coal mine practiced child labor. The children dealt with sharp coal that would often cut them and they also dealt with dangerous machines that would suck them up and spit them out in half.

We finished the class off with a paragraph that asked if labor unions were necessary. I said that labor unions were necessary because they lowered work hours and higher wages, which were two of the mot famous problems in the early labor world.
Child labor song
-Michael Page

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inquiry Lesson Prt.2!!

Today in class we continued our inquiry lesson, although this time we focused more on laborers conditions and they hardships they faced. We went through different songs and newspaper articles to find the bad conditions faced by laborers. An example of one of the articles we read was The Triangle shirtwaist factory Fire newspaper article. The bad conditions faced in this article were the workers had low wages, long hours, insufficient escape plans, and they worked in a poorly built building.

Triangle Shirtwaist factory article.

A link to a video about Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Inquriy Lesson.... WHAT!!!??

Today November 5, 2008 in History class we did what is called an inquiry lesson on work and living conditions during the progessive era. I learned that in this progessive era work wages were low, many people's work instituion was poorly santintized and dangerous, and worked for ten hours a day.

When bosses started to cut wages for factory workers many people quit or were fired. This movement bought chld labor to play. Boss's would only hire men who had male children that could work. For example if a man applied for job and he had a son that was at least five years old he was usually hired.
I also learend that when people loss their job the came together to form labor unions. These labor unions set goals for things that would better help the working people. For example labor unions wanted to lower work time and hire wages. These attempts were usually denied .

Here is a video that exposes Nike sweatshops

-Michael Page (1a)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama: The Next President of the United States of AMerica

At 11:03pm with 284 electoral votes, Barack Obama is now the projected 44th President of the U.S.


I am so proud and excited to say that Senator Barack Obama from Illinois is the next President of the United States of America...

And the votes aren't even done being counted in other states!!!!
-Kanisha F.