Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Inquriy Lesson.... WHAT!!!??

Today November 5, 2008 in History class we did what is called an inquiry lesson on work and living conditions during the progessive era. I learned that in this progessive era work wages were low, many people's work instituion was poorly santintized and dangerous, and worked for ten hours a day.

When bosses started to cut wages for factory workers many people quit or were fired. This movement bought chld labor to play. Boss's would only hire men who had male children that could work. For example if a man applied for job and he had a son that was at least five years old he was usually hired.
I also learend that when people loss their job the came together to form labor unions. These labor unions set goals for things that would better help the working people. For example labor unions wanted to lower work time and hire wages. These attempts were usually denied .

Here is a video that exposes Nike sweatshops

-Michael Page (1a)

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