Thursday, January 22, 2009

Barack Obama: the First Black President!

On January 20,2009 Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. Over 1million people gathered at the National Mall to experience history. This was an exciting and emotional day, especially for African Americans. Many people at the National Mall that day never thought that they would live to see a Black man become president. In his inaugural address, President Obama spoke of serious issues that he plans to solve, such as the economy and the war in Iraq. After the inauguration, Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, attended a luncheon with members of congress. At this luncheon, he urged lawmakers to come togehter, "with a sense of purpose and civility and urgency,"so that they could work towards finding solutions to the nation's problems. Later in the day, Obama and his family, along with vice president Joe Biden, went to the inaugural parade. Before taking their seats to view the parade, Barack Obama and his wife got out of their car to wave to fans and suppoters. It is good to see that he is still down-to-earth even though he has been getting alot of publicity. I believe that Barack Obama will be a good leader of this country, and lead the United States to a brighter future.


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