Wednesday, October 29, 2008

-Found a funny video called "Vote Barack"...thought you all would enjoy it.

6 days left til' election day.....I know we can't, but you should explain to your family and friends why Barack Obama is a great candidate for president and why they should...."VOTE BARACK"!!!


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today in class we finished up our different summaries on the topics assigned to us. In my group we were assigned Plessy vs. Ferguson. This court case (a Supreme Court case) happened in 1896 in Louisiana. A black man sat in the white section of a train just to "test" the law. Once arrested he plead that this violated his 14Th Amendment. The court agreed with and accepted separate but equal so they overruled it. This decision was a catalyst of some sorts that continued discrimination and segregation. Lastly, we went over some of the does and don'ts of our paper. We are to cite all of our resources, and to use only .edu websites. Don'ts would be not to speak in the first person, and to be professional (do not speak as if you are writing a blog). Some of these new stipulations may mess up some people and cause them to revise their paper, but it will make it even better.!!! Good luck!!

(Got IT!!)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gilded Age

Today we learned a little bit about the Gilded Age.
This era of time involved corruption, lies, and deceit.
Gilded gold is basically a fraud where an item is recognized as gold, but it is only gold on the surface while the real substance is something else. Mark Twain feferred to this time period as the Gilded Age because Boss
William Marcy Tweed used money from city contracts for his own benefit. He was sent to jail because he was convicted for fraud and extortion. Ulysses S. Grant also used liquor funding for his own personaly gain and stole a great amount of money from over priced taxes.

by:Karen Sanderson
more to come......tomorrow!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Unit 1 Test....YIKES!!!

Today was BORING.....Just kidding...

In class today we took our unit 1 chapter test. In my opinion it wasn't too hard, but it wasn't easy either. Our test was about the Reconstruction period, after Reconstruction, the manufacturing industry, and the steel,oil, and railroad industries.

The most of the questions dealing with reconstruction and the aftermath of it were pretty easy. The BCR'S dealing with the struggles and challenges of blacks were also kind of simple. Then again Reconstruction has been something that we focused on for a while.

Another part of the test dealt with the expansion of the country west or "manifest destiny", as well as the settlers of the west. Those questions were also very simple, we studied a lot and even played Jeopardy to help prepare for this test.

Our test was also about the industry of the railroad boom, as well as the oil and steel company advancement in the industry. People like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt.

For the most part our test was OKAY...and even if you didn't study the night before, the studying we did in class should have helped educate you for the test.



Saturday, October 18, 2008



-guess who

Election Rap Battle '08

I received this hilarious video in my email....thought it would be funny to share it with the class.

Although funny, most of the statements in the battle are true...(Keyword..MOST!!)

Leave comments and tell me how you feel about what was said.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


On thew day of October 13,2008 was our class and we prepared for our big test by playing a great game of jeopardy!!!The categories included Civil war,Kitchen sink(which is any random thing category),western movement, Reconstruction, and 2 more that i cant remember. We also did a review sheet for the test the whole class was preparatory action their really was no new stuff.With the exception of the word"subsidy" plural "subsidies"the meaning is followed in this link overall a good class and i think we are really prepared for this test!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CRAZY BUS DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I thought this was interesting you can read at this url.

Here is what I read about........
In Dayton Beach Fl a bus driver was accused of stopping on a rail road and telling the kids that he was going to leave them their to die. A little girl who was on the bus says that, that was what the bus driver did. We all know that the driver is supposed to stop at the rail road crossing and look both ways and keep driving but who knows what the driver(who is unknown at the time ) really did. This is important because what if this person really would have done it. This girl who said that the bus driver did this is 12 I would believe her. well right now this person is being investgated and hopefully we will find out what really happened on that Monday. Lets just wait and see.
- - - - - - - - - - HEIDI A.

Today in class, we talked about WallStreet, and gave our opinions on whether or not we felt that it was the government's job to bail WallStreet out. We found out that even if a company fails, the CEO of that company is still paid in millions!!! This is called a golden parachute package. Ms. Hansen also showed us a poster of a bond advertisement like ones that the government used in the past to convince people to buy bonds(shares of the government), in order to fund wars. To end class, we played a game on industry in the 1800s, that was similar to Family Feud. In the end, it was a tie between team1 and team2(<---that was my team :) )

"THAT ONE"_???_


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

General Pertraeus

Today we learned specifically about contextualization on an excerpt of the debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. One of the main topics was the war and the new genral which is te guy in the picture to the right. General David Pertraeus in April of this year he sat before a congress telling of the status on the "front". And also our offensive plans in Iraq which is stated in this link. For a little background information on the guy in control stated in the New Yorker paper online in this link where it states that he got his doctorial degree at harvard in 1987 and thats where their trying to point out how his intellegence is helpful but also realize his mistakes.They also tell us he has not voted since 2002 when he bacame a two star general.We also spoke of whether we should focus more on Alqida where the neuclear weapons are, Often we found history repeating and how David Pertraeus has began to help the U.S win.S now heres a video on the war now the big question is Do we pull out or stay in and wait while more of our men get killed???


This debate was a must see as the two presidential canidates battled it out. Everyone expected John McCain to come out with a clear win and that is basically what he needed.And, of course with the debate being on foreign policy John McCain strong suit they thought it would come out with him on top.heres a link to a page with 4 of the top moments of the debate
of course again Barack Obama held his own in a race that everyone deems him unexperienced and unprepared.But with John McCain's constant stuttering lack of eye contact and knac for not answering the question who's more or so less prepared?????

Sunday, October 5, 2008

American Indians vs. White Settlers

As we all know, the first people to settle in America were not the white settlers but actually the American Indians. They have been here forever. Probably one of the only reasons that people actually believed that white settlers were the first in America is because they chased all of the Indians away and forced them to move. Also, that is what they have taught us, that the whites were here first which we now know is definitely not the case!

Beginning with the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the U.S. government pushed American Indians west in order to take over their land. Eventually leading to the Trail of Tears(1831), which was an 800- mile forced march made by the Cherokee from their homeland in Georgia to Indian Territory. Despite everything they went through, the government went back on treaties over and over again. There were so many attempts on American Indians to just control them and gain even more of their land. White settlement cut back grazing areas and cut off migration routes. After a while American Indians would not stand for it anymore and they finally fought back to preserve their culture causing the Indian Wars. It's too bad that they were out manned and out gunned by the many white settlers. Then in 1864, the U.S. Army killed about 150 Cheyenne elderly, women, and children in the Sand Creek Massacre. In 1876 in the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sioux forces led by Chief Sitting Bull defeated a U.S. Army troop led by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.

Ghost Dancing was a religious ceremony practiced by the American Indians to bring hope. This made settlers feel threatened and they did not understand.

In 1890, at the Battle of Wounded Knee, the American Indians attempted to surrender, but the U.S. troops massacred them anyway. During the Dawes Act(1887) , white settlers attempted to assimilate the Indians into "society" by Americanization and dividing land up among them. Some long term effects were alienation, legal ambiguity, extinction of languages, discrimination, and very high rates of poverty, crime, and health problems.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Number of Illegal Immigrants...UP....DOWN???

The United State's economy is not so hot right now, and we inforced the immigration laws. The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States each year has slowed significantly since the first half of this decade. Legal immigrants now outnumber illegal ones for the first time in TEN years. The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States has declined from an average of 800,000 a year in 2000-04 to 500,000 a year in 2005-08. Could this be due to the slow down of growth of the illegal immigrant population? OR is it because our economy is not doing so well? Despite the population slowdown illegal immigrants still make up about 4 percent of US population. Will this decrease or increase over time???


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Down-Out and Broke, Not Just Me.

The senate is in the process of passing the $700 billion Wall-Street bailout, (a deal to bailout wall-street. Wall-Street is a street in Manhattan where brokers gather to analyze, bid, and purchase international market products. Wall-Street is a symbol of the United State's financial industry.) but is it timely for ordinary folks like us? Student loans are not readily available. Don't even think about refinancing your home mortgage at a lower interest rate. Small infrastructure lines of credit have increased by .7 percent. The family bread winners are either losing their jobs or taking drastic cuts in pay. Property values are plummeting because either homes are not selling or foreclosures.

The bailout not only affects college students and business owners, it also affects regular homeowners. The bailout uses tax money that we would have had in our pockets for essential needs like food, water, and shelter leaving us to work even harder to get the money to supply those things. Obviously the senate cares nothing of the citizens of the United States thoughts because many people oppose the bailout. If only we had someone to help us through these rough economic times!

Political cartoon at
"Oh Heaven can you help us all!!!!!!!"

Here is a video of people's thoughts about the $700 billion Wall-Street bailout.

How do you think the wall street bailout will affect us future college students and business leaders?

Article cited at

-Michael Page