Tuesday, October 7, 2008

General Pertraeus

Today we learned specifically about contextualization on an excerpt of the debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. One of the main topics was the war and the new genral which is te guy in the picture to the right. General David Pertraeus in April of this year he sat before a congress telling of the status on the "front". And also our offensive plans in Iraq which is stated in this link.http://www.nysun.com/editorials/general-petraeuss-return/74098/ For a little background information on the guy in control stated in the New Yorker paper online in this linkhttp://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/09/08/080908fa_fact_coll where it states that he got his doctorial degree at harvard in 1987 and thats where their trying to point out how his intellegence is helpful but also realize his mistakes.They also tell us he has not voted since 2002 when he bacame a two star general.We also spoke of whether we should focus more on Alqida where the neuclear weapons are, Often we found history repeating and how David Pertraeus has began to help the U.S win.S now heres a video on the war http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs038xdDqxQ now the big question is Do we pull out or stay in and wait while more of our men get killed???

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