Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Down-Out and Broke, Not Just Me.

The senate is in the process of passing the $700 billion Wall-Street bailout, (a deal to bailout wall-street. Wall-Street is a street in Manhattan where brokers gather to analyze, bid, and purchase international market products. Wall-Street is a symbol of the United State's financial industry.) but is it timely for ordinary folks like us? Student loans are not readily available. Don't even think about refinancing your home mortgage at a lower interest rate. Small infrastructure lines of credit have increased by .7 percent. The family bread winners are either losing their jobs or taking drastic cuts in pay. Property values are plummeting because either homes are not selling or foreclosures.

The bailout not only affects college students and business owners, it also affects regular homeowners. The bailout uses tax money that we would have had in our pockets for essential needs like food, water, and shelter leaving us to work even harder to get the money to supply those things. Obviously the senate cares nothing of the citizens of the United States thoughts because many people oppose the bailout. If only we had someone to help us through these rough economic times!

Political cartoon at
"Oh Heaven can you help us all!!!!!!!"

Here is a video of people's thoughts about the $700 billion Wall-Street bailout.

How do you think the wall street bailout will affect us future college students and business leaders?

Article cited at

-Michael Page

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