Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today in class we finished up our different summaries on the topics assigned to us. In my group we were assigned Plessy vs. Ferguson. This court case (a Supreme Court case) happened in 1896 in Louisiana. A black man sat in the white section of a train just to "test" the law. Once arrested he plead that this violated his 14Th Amendment. The court agreed with and accepted separate but equal so they overruled it. This decision was a catalyst of some sorts that continued discrimination and segregation. Lastly, we went over some of the does and don'ts of our paper. We are to cite all of our resources, and to use only .edu websites. Don'ts would be not to speak in the first person, and to be professional (do not speak as if you are writing a blog). Some of these new stipulations may mess up some people and cause them to revise their paper, but it will make it even better.!!! Good luck!!

(Got IT!!)



Period 1 US History said...

I'm mad you used da same pic from da ova post u did da ova day.


Period 1 US History said...


Period 1 US History said...

I'm mad you're studying my