Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/17/08 IN CLASS TODAY WE....?!?

Today we did a warm-up, on how we would react to the economy if were a newly freed slave.
After, we had a discussion about whats going on in the economy.
This was a very interning discussion and everyone and something to say.
We discussed ed how the gas was going up and how the mortgage company's were getting taken over.
We also discussed how this is effecting the interest that people have to pay.
After, we looked over our home work.
Many of us had questions that we did not understand ans we discussed them in class.
At the end of class we wrote a B.C.R about a cartoon showing the K.K.K and some one else.
if you are doing it for homework dont for get to do it.
Well thats about it BYE >.<

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