Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama's Rebutal

Like Terrence this wasn't assigned either but I thought it was important enough to blog about. Senator Obama made a comment the other day about John McCain's economic plans. In those comments he stated "you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig," or something close to that. Of course the McCain campaign thought of this as slander towards Gov. Palin. This link below gives a video of Obama's response to this new story that he was being sexist. Do you believe he was using those dirty politics tactics that he disagrees with, or that he was speaking the truth about the situation?

-Kanisha F.


Period 1 US History said...

Like Sen. Obama said in the video he was refering to McCain's economic policy. I will put it into simpler terms for the over analytical people who think that this was an insult toward Palin. What Sen. Obama was saying was that even if McCain tries to make his plan sound fancy and new it is still the same plan that is leading us into a recession now. I mean come on people, I'm in high school and I can interpret a metaphor better than some adults? This pettiness is really getting out of hand. Thanks for posting Kanisha!

Terrence O.

Period 1 US History said...

I completely agree with you on that. It makes no logical sense that high school kids(particularly 9th graders), can see what the real message and point is. Sometimes I wonder if adults really do know what the best decision is for the future. Why not let the voices of the present and future(us), be heard? Maybe having a kid as a president wouldn't be so bad...!

-Kanisha F.

Period 1 US History said... is all i can say. I think it was extremely clear as to what Obama was reffering to when he made the 'Lipstick' comment. If you watched the video on the link, there is another video on the side of the screen named "'Lipstick' a 'snide slight' to Palin. In that video, McCain made the same exact comment reffering to something else. That was from his speech in the primary elections. But that shows that his campaign's reaction to the whole Obama situation was overreactive.