Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boy Suspended over: Anti-Obama Shirt

Today on the news there was a report of a young boy who was suspended from school over a t-shirt he wore. The following link goes into better detail about it. Do you think he deserved to be put out of school? Who imposed these ideas upon him..the media...his parents....or were these his own thoughts? Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Boy Suspended for Anti-Obama Shirt



Period 1 US History said...

No this is really outrageous he should not have been suspended. Everyone should have the right to an opinion. Even though I completely disagree with the message of the shirt I still think he should have the right to wear it. I mean, if I were to wear a NO MCCAIN shirt I would want to be assured that I wouldn't be suspended from schoolfo wearing it.


Period 1 US History said...

I agree, even though his message is completely retarted, we should have freedom of speech!

Period 1 US History said...

I agree with bothcomments. Yes the shirt may have offended some people but you still have the right to voice your opinion.
