Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain talking about obama again

John McCain campaign is mocking Obama assertion that his economic trigger plan was the basis for the compromise package that was founded by congress and Bush administration this year. McCain had pointed out that the Illinois sen. did not vote on the final package which passed the Senate on February 8th. Obama had his own package announced in January. Obamas package included 75 billion dollars the plan proposed 250$ tax cut for workers and 250$ bonus for senior citizens to their social security checks. My opinion is I dont like McCain and anything he says or thinks about I dont like. So i dont care what he say. I also say its good that Barack Obama isnt just following every one else by following their package and coming up with his own.

!!!! ---New news McCain sucks--- !!!!

Source from Washington Post

- ahmad jackson

1 comment:

Period 1 US History said...

MaCain sucking is so old news man