Friday, September 12, 2008

Exra! Extra! Read All About It! Obama vs. McCain! Get While It's Still Hot!

Thanks for reading "Nandi Post"
Shocking news! Last night on CNN, Obama and McCain battled head to head on a 2 hour, on going, battle of the politics on conversations about who and why each candidate would like to be the president of the United States. Though the battle was close, in my point of view, i think that Obama took the gold medal. He was serious about his com-backs but, kept a humorous tone as well. He spoke of his life and how it affected his decision of becoming president.

- Funny Girl:

Nandi Swinson

P.S.- Is this better?


Period 1 US History said...

What battle are you referring to?

Period 1 US History said...

how can you conclude that obama won thats just your point of view others may believe that mcain won i myslef didnt see the debate. but thats cool nandi


Period 1 US History said...

Thats nice know but how do you know that Obama won. No offense but if you your self think Obama won you should put "by my opinion" or "I think"

-Michael Page