Sunday, September 7, 2008

Getting off to a great start!

The past two weeks have been busy, both in our classroom and in the nation. Against the backdrop of the 2008 Presidential Nominating Conventions, we have been exploring how the major issues in this election are affecting us. We've discussed the challenges that Senator Barack Obama and Governor Sarah Palin face in this election as they defy the odds and hope to make history as the first black president or first female vice president. We decided, however, that it does not matter what you look like, or what your family situation is: the candidates should be judged by what they can do for the country. 

We're also worried about the economy. Everyone is interested in the changing price of gas and we discussed ways to solve this problem, 
including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and alternative fuel sources. 

Meanwhile, we have also been learning about the Civil War. 
We discussed some if it's causes, including the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the results of the Dred Scott Case, and the Election of 1860. We very briefly reviewed the events surrounding the South's secession and the major events of the war. 

- Ms. Hansen

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