Wednesday, September 17, 2008


BREAKING NEWS!! This just in: Tonight on Fox 5 News @ 10 there was a story about Sarah Palin's personal email account! IT WAS HACKED!!! This isn't just some dumb email account that she never checks. Some of the messages are dated after McCain picked her for VP. Now the hackers have access to all of Palin's messages and her contact list! I can't wait to see what kind of stuff we'll find out about Governor Palin now! What do y'all think???

-Terrence O.


Period 1 US History said...

I think I touched on this in a comment in class the other day. I'm not sure if it is this particular email or another that I was referring to. In one news report that I saw Ms. Palin was sending emails dealing with government issues to her husband. As well as allowing him to sit in on meetings. This is not good. Although he is her husband, he should not be privileged to direct information about gov. issues. It's one thing to talk about her day in bed at night with one another, but to sit in on meetings? Do you agree or disagree?


Period 1 US History said...

Yeah i definitely agree i don't want some regular joe to know about serious political issues.


Period 1 US History said...

i agree to man just cause thats her husband dont mean nothin he dont get no specail prevliges