Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarah Say What!?!?

Even a ninth grader, Democrat or Republican, can tell that Sarah Palin is clueless when it comes to foreign policy. I mean really, just because I have visited another country does not mean that I know all about their foreign policy. Sarah Palin thinks that just because Russia and Canada are beside her state it makes her an expert in foreign policy. Katie Couric, a well known reporter, interviewed Sarah Palin and talked about many issues including foreign policy. When Katie asked her what interactions she's had with Russia through Alaska she claims, yeah we have trade missions with them back and forth. So my question is, what does Sarah Palin really know? In my opinion she makes herself look a little worse every time she's in the spotlight. Is Sarah Palin the right person to be the Vice-President of America? Does she have the experience to run the country if anything happened to McCain? You be the judge!

- Chelsea

1 comment:

Period 1 US History said...

Sarah Palin has no clue what to do. How can this be the woman that is really a heart beat away from the presidency. I was reading an article about her and it stated, that even a GOP strategist thinks she should step down as McCain's running mate because she's not doing a good job.! What does this show? Her own party is concerned and worried about her being vice president or maybe even president. She's just sad!
