Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Governor Palin: Superhero????

By: Kanisha F. : Thanks for the great reviews everyone!!!!

MSNBC reporter Chris Matthews discusses today's highlights on his sideshow discussion, on Sarah Palin and her past:

Today on Hardball With Chris Matthews, he discussed Palin's past and present actions. The enterprise HeroBuilders.com, has now decided to sell a new action figure doll of Gov. Sarah Palin. The public has yet to determine whether or not this is meant to express that she's ready to take action, or for another reason. That particular Enterprise has taken a fond liking of Mrs. Palin for unexplored reasons. Go figure Palin as a hero!

Palin was a hot topic on today's show. Chris, later went on to analyzing and critiquing her unclear stance on the "Bridge to Nowhere" scandal in Alaska. There is factual, concrete proof that Palin supported the "Bridge to Nowhere" project in the beginning. She later on, especially after becoming McCain's running mate, started portraying that she never backed the project. In the video link I listed earlier, it shows 7 times so far since becoming a nominee, that she has untruthfully or lied in telling supporters her views on the project. LIES, LIES, LIES!! (Or dishonesty.) By the way, she received money for backing the project. However, when she began disapproving the project instead of returning the money, she just reallocated it elsewhere.

In conclusion of today's unconventional current events, John McCain's daughter spoke about his past in an interview. She stated that her father was a rebellious young man into fast cars, who even once dated a stripper. Surprise!
This current event is very important to our future. Why should we care, because if Sarah Palin becomes the VP along side of John McCain, her views as well as his will impact how and what our future will be like.
The question I pose to you, is whether or not Gov. Sarah Palin, who is one heart beat away from the white house, is ready to lead?
__Kanisha F.


Period 1 US History said...

This was very informative Kanisha. It really changed my views of Ms. Palin. I once thought that she would actually make a good replacement for McCain (if were even elected). Now I see that she is just a liar like many of her fellow partymates.

- Terrence O.

Period 1 US History said...
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Period 1 US History said...

Wow!!! This post was filled with unknown information (to me at least) that I could use in the next debate over whether or not I think Sarah Palin should be VP. Nice work Kinisha!!

-Michael Page

Period 1 US History said...

Good Job Kanisha! That was a very interesting article. It gave me a whole new point of view.Nice work

- Latasha E.